Free spirit MASHUP
July’s “Free Spirit MASHUP” soul painting workshop at Lively Mind Art Studio.
The creative joy that filled the Lively Mind Art Studio last month in the Free Spirit MASHUP was epic! It went from bustling chatter to so silent you could hear a pin drop. Holding space and giving permission for you to tap into your creative spirit inspires pure magic. ✨
I was nervous about how the collaboration aspect would go over and it turns out that everyone loved it – it was super fun! My intention to shake things up, help you let go even further and practice non-attachment made for some really interesting paintings and experiences during this class. It felt like the best one yet and I think the mashup is a keeper for future Free Spirit workshops.
In my Free Spirit workshops I talk a about how the art we make together is less about how it looks, and more about how the soul painting process allows you to express your feelings, connect with your intuition, and experience creative flow. I see the process as providing a sacred space to allow your authentic self to show up. Art nurtures our need to express.
My intention in my soul painting workshops isn’t to teach how to make a technically perfect painting. There are other workshops that do that beautifully. I want people to discover for themselves how the process can empower, uplift, and heal themselves. I use simple supplies and prompts to break down the “I’m not creative” barrier and instill confidence that we each have a unique voice and creative muse inside. When I receive a phone call while someone ho took my class is shopping for their own art supplies, that they have always held a block on the fact that they can be creative or paint and that they are no longer stuck in that mindset or they’ve share a photo of artwork they created with their kids using the simple techniques in my classes, that’s why I share my process. That’s where the magic is.
Want to attend a painting workshop and be notified of future dates? Click here sign up for email. If you would like to host a private painting party, email me at to discuss your event. I look forward to painting with you!