7 Days to Awaken Your Creative Spirit – Day 1: MAKE SPACE

Creativity is extremely important to me because it let’s me bring my truth into the world.
It gives me a chance to heal and inspire others. It brings out ideas I can use in my business and life. And when I’m creative, I am a fulfilled and happier human which improves my relationships. Being creative is an act of self-love and acceptance.
Why is creativity important to you?
Find your answers to remind you why you want to make time to create. With a daily creative practice you will find your life is filled with more JOY and more of YOU. We all worry that we are not “good enough” to exercise our creativity. But the truth is, we are all born creative, you may have just lost your way. Let’s take back that truth.

The first step to awakening your creative spirit is to make space to invite it in.
Find an area in your home where you can carve out space to be creative. There is something powerful about having a physical place where your creative work is done. Clear it of clutter, close your laptop, put your phone on silent and and tell your family that you are going into creative mode. Let your creativity be the only thing happening there for those precious minutes.
Clear your physical energy and mental chatter with a simple art making ritual.
Light a candle, burn an herb stick, or apply an essential oil. Then, take a moment to feel into your body. Turn up the music and dance, turn down the music and stretch, or simply close your eyes and breathe deeply three times to ready yourself for creativity
Breathe in, Breathe out everything that happened before this moment.
Breathe in, Breathe out expectations of what you are about to create.
Breathe in, Breathe out into this moment, right here, be here now.
The purpose of doing one (or more) of these simple art making rituals is to help you to clear away the junk from your day so, you don’t bring that into your creative process. Today, make space physically and intentionally to invite your creative spirit in!