Our water on this planet is in danger. Military action, for private interests, arresting peaceful native protestors on private land on behalf of big business. If you are unaware of what is happening at Standing Rock click here and watch the featured video.
“When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.” ~ Cree saying
Here is what the White House has to say about the project in the petition in case you are not aware of the issue:
“The Dakota Access pipeline is set to be constructed near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, crossing under the Missouri River which is the only source of water to the reservation. The pipeline is planned to transport approximately 470,000 barrels of crude oil per day. The potential of oil leaks would contaminate the only source of water for the reservation…an oil leak from a separate pipeline in North Dakota was discovered (8/15/16) to have leaked over 500 barrels of oil since the leak began on July 19, 2016. You can read the article here: http://bit.ly/2aVm5cv. A leak like this from the Dakota Access pipeline would leave the Standing Rock Sioux without any clean water.”
Let’s say no to the Dakota Pipe Line #NoDAPL and sign the petition: http://standwithstandingrock.net/take-action/
Shiloh Sophia wrote a poignant article about what is going on that was shared by Robert Mirabel, Native American musician and activist on his site, you can read it here.
For Giving Tuesday, please join me in donating money to support the men and women that are risking their lives as they peacefully protest at Standing Rock. In collaboration with my Good Karma sale, I will be making a donation to the Medic + Healer council: https://
I’m grateful to those who placed orders this weekend, thank you for being a part of our collective “good karma” donation. With all my heart, I am thankful for all of you for your support and presence in my life!